Venus in Leo Retrograde 2023

Venus in Leo Retrograde 2023
Venus in Leo Retrograde 2023

The celestial dance continues and soon the dazzling planet Venus, known as the goddess of love, beauty, and money, will retreat into the dramatic sign of Leo. Yes, we're heading into the period of Venus in Leo Retrograde!

When is Venus in Leo Retrograde?

Venus will turn retrograde in Leo on July 22, 2023. The retrograde will continue until September 3, 2023, after which Venus will begin to station direct. However, keep in mind that the shadow period – the phase when Venus starts slowing down before the retrograde and picks up speed afterwards – begins on June 19, 2023, and extends until October 6, 2023. It's during these times that the energies start to intensify and the themes of the retrograde become even more prevalent.

General Themes of Venus in Leo Retrograde:

Venus in Leo is flamboyant, exuberant, and larger than life. But when Venus goes retrograde in this sign, it triggers a period of introspection about our personal desires, our relationships, our self-worth, and our creativity.

Self-Expression: Leo rules the heart and is associated with passionate self-expression. This retrograde may cause you to question how you express love and seek it in return. Are you being true to your own heart? Are you being authentic in your self-expression?

Re-evaluating Relationships: Venus' backward dance often brings re-evaluations of current relationships and sometimes reconnections with people from our past. Now's the time to assess if your relationships, both romantic and otherwise, are fulfilling and reciprocal.

During this time frame, relationships that are not in aligned may have dramatic falling outs. If you are single, taking the time to re-evaulate what you want in a relationship.

While some relationships may fail, others may find themselves deeping the current relationship they are in or singles may find long term commitment. This retrograde will affect everyone differently, as we are all on our own individual path.

Money Matters: As Venus also rules money, this could be a time to reconsider financial matters. Are you investing in what makes you happy? Are your financial habits aligned with your true values?

What to Expect

During this retrograde period, expect a call towards introspection and re-evaluation of the themes mentioned above. Relationships might hit a rocky patch or an old flame could reappear. You might find yourself questioning your creative outlets or experiencing a shift in financial focus. Remember, this period is less about external changes and more about internal realignment.

Navigating Venus in Leo Retrograde

Here are a few tips to navigate this period:

Reflection: Take time to reflect on your personal relationships and finances. Are they in alignment with your core values and personal happiness?

Reconnecting: Don't fear revisiting the past. If old friends or past lovers reappear, consider their role in your life. What lessons can they teach you? Sometimes they resurface for closure.

Patience: Rushing decisions related to love, creativity, or finances isn't advised. Take your time and reassess after Venus goes direct.

Creativity: Engage with your inner creativity. This could be a fruitful time for artists and creatives.

Self-Care: Above all, remember to take care of yourself. Leo rules the heart, so any heart-centric self-care routines will be particularly potent during this time.

It might seem like a daunting dance, but with reflection, patience, and self-care, this celestial event can lead to significant personal growth.

Singles and Dating

Singles may experience a heightened period of introspection regarding their love life. It's an optimal time to consider the authenticity of your self-expression in dating scenarios. Are you being true to your heart, or are you molding yourself to match others' expectations? This period may also bring past lovers back into your life, providing an opportunity for closure or rekindling. Although it's tempting to rush into decisions, patience is advised during this time.

For those who are dating, it's a period to reassess whether connections align with your core values, and to consider how you want to express love and receive it in return. Remember, retrogrades are more about internal realignment than external changes, so use this time for self-reflection, learning, and growth.

Committed Relationships

Venus Retrograde is a potent time for those in committed relationships as well. It is a cosmic invitation to reassess and recalibrate the dynamics of your partnership. Venus in Leo brings forth questions about authenticity, love, and passion in your relationship. Are you and your partner being completely true to yourselves and to each other? Is there reciprocity in the giving and receiving of love and affection? The retrograde may also bring up unresolved issues from the past for you to address.

Financial habits and decisions within the relationship may come under scrutiny as well. The key during this period is open communication, patience, and mutual understanding. It's important to navigate these retrospections together, utilizing them as opportunities for growth and deepening your bond. If you approach the period with a shared intent of nurturing your bond, Venus Retrograde can lead to increased clarity, stronger connection, and a revitalization of passion within your relationship.

Venus in Leo RX Shadow Work Journal Prompts

Self-Reflection: In what ways have I not been true to myself in my relationships? How can I express my authentic self more fully?

Re-evaluating Relationships: Are there any relationships in my life that are unbalanced? How can I create more equality and reciprocity?

Old Connections: Has anyone from my past resurfaced recently? What lessons are they bringing up for me to learn or re-learn?

Creative Expressions: What creative outlets do I feel most drawn to? Am I dedicating enough time and resources to these pursuits?

Personal Values: What are my core values? Are my current relationships and financial habits in alignment with these values?

Financial Reflection: What is my relationship with money like? Is it time for a financial reset, and if so, what might that look like?

Self-Worth: How do I measure my self-worth? What role does love and approval from others play in it?

Joy and Happiness: What truly brings me joy and satisfaction? How can I incorporate more of these elements into my everyday life?

Self-Care: What does a heart-centric self-care routine look like for me? How can I implement it during this retrograde period?

Personal Growth: How have I grown during this Venus Retrograde period? What changes would I like to carry forward once Venus goes direct?

Need clarity and insight? Feel free to book a Venus RX Tarot Reading with me. Interested in Shadow Work Coaching? Book a FREE Mystical Insight Session to dig deeper.