Unbind Yourself

Sometimes it's our thoughts, our beliefs, and our behaviors that keep us stuck. We end up binding ourselves. Perhaps these are limiting beliefs that our family or society taught up, or something we learned through trauma in a way to protect ourselves. For example, perhaps someone who has experienced abuse at the hands of their significant others could develop a belief that all people of that gender are bad. In a sense, this is them attempting to protect themselves from experiencing the past again. But it does prevent them from healing from the abuse and finding a healthy relationship.

Perhaps you've done some shadow work, and you have discovered you have binded yourself. This quick and easy spell can help you break those chains of limitation and free yourself.


A doll or something to represent you

Twine or string

A knife or scissors

black or white candle

any of these herbs: cayenne pepper, black pepper, onion, garlic, Black salt(or white.. whatever you have)

Fire safe container

Setup your altar as needed. Create a sigil if wanted with your intention and light the candle. Wrap the item that represents you in the twine or string. As you are wrapping it, set the intention that it represents the thought pattern, behavior or whatever you feel is self sabotage or holding you back.

Take a few deep breathes, and hold your poppet. Then cut the binding off of it. Cut the twine or rope into a bunch of pieces. As you cut it, you can say, "I unbind myself from ___" Put it into a bowl, sprinkle the herbs and salt. Take a piece of paper and write down "I banish ____ and unbind myself from it." or something along those lines. you can make a sigil if you wish. put it into the bowl and burn everything within it. Bury the ashes at a crossroad if you can, otherwise flushing it down the toilet or whatever you do will work. At the end of the day, this is your magick and do what is best and available for you.

Want more tips, tricks, shadow work and so forth? Check out my cheap and affordable zines. Digital and physical copies available!