The Path of the Dark Goddess

In the realm of psychology and spiritual growth has become quite the BUZZWORD. So many will throw this phrase word, even weaponizing it. But the real question I often hear is: Ok, but how? How do I do shadow work?

As we strive to understand ourselves better and seek inner healing, exploring the depths of our psyche becomes a transformative and necessary journey. Among the various archetypes that emerge during this introspective process, the Path of the Dark Goddess stands as a powerful symbol of embracing our shadow aspects and integrating them into our being.

Unveiling the Dark Goddess Archetype:

The Dark Goddess is an ancient and multi-faceted archetype present in numerous mythologies and cultures worldwide. Often portrayed as a deity of the Underworld or the night, she embodies the aspects of ourselves that we tend to suppress or deny—the aspects that lie in the shadows of our consciousness. These qualities may include fear, rage, sorrow, jealousy, and other emotions that society deems unacceptable or "dark." However, embracing the Dark Goddess archetype is not about glorifying negativity; instead, it is about accepting the totality of our being and recognizing that our shadows, just like our light, are essential components of our existence.

The Path of the Dark Goddess in Shadow Work:

When we embark on the Path of the Dark Goddess in our shadow work, we confront our deepest fears and insecurities. By embracing these aspects of ourselves, we foster self-compassion and understanding, allowing us to heal and grow. Through this journey, we recognize that our shadows often hold valuable lessons and insights that can lead to profound personal transformation. The Dark Goddess archetype guides us through this process, providing strength, wisdom, and a sense of empowerment to delve into the depths of our subconscious.

The Tale of Innana's Journey to the Underworld:

One of the most captivating and relevant examples of the Dark Goddess archetype's significance is the Sumerian myth of Innana's descent to the Underworld. Innana, the ancient goddess of love, fertility, and war, undertakes a daring quest to confront her dark sister, Ereshkigal, who reigns over the Underworld. Before her journey, Innana dons symbols of power and protection but is warned that she must pass through seven gates, and at each gate, she must relinquish a part of her divine attributes.

Innana's descent represents the symbolic stripping away of her ego and divine privilege, bringing her face-to-face with her own shadows. As she passes through each gate, her layers of self-identity are peeled back, revealing the vulnerability and rawness of her true self. The Dark Goddess, Ereshkigal, mirrors back to Innana her repressed emotions and desires, forcing her to confront the parts of herself she had neglected or denied.

Upon reaching the depths of the Underworld, Innana dies and is left hanging on a meat hook. Her journey into darkness symbolizes a metaphorical death—the disintegration of her old self and the birth of a renewed, integrated, and whole self. Through the intervention of divine beings, Innana is eventually revived and returns to the world above, forever changed by her transformative experience.

Relevance to Shadow Work:

Innana's journey to the Underworld exemplifies the essence of shadow work through the Dark Goddess archetype. Her story reflects the universal human experience of confronting our shadows, facing our fears, and undergoing a profound inner transformation. The myth emphasizes the importance of descending into the depths of our unconscious to retrieve and integrate the rejected parts of ourselves.


Embracing the Path of the Dark Goddess archetype in shadow work is a courageous and transformative process. By exploring our shadows and integrating them into our being, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Innana's journey to the Underworld serves as a timeless and profound example of the significance of the Dark Goddess archetype in guiding us through this introspective expedition. As we embrace our shadows, we illuminate the path towards a more profound understanding of ourselves, fostering compassion, self-acceptance, and spiritual growth.

Interested in Shadow Work? Check out my zines! Need a reading? Schedule a tarot session with me!